Following a lead from an informant, the Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team (WRRT) conducted a two-week long investigation into suspected wildlife traders trafficking pangolins. The team conducted parallel operations on two different suspected traders’ houses Kampong Speu province where three live and one dead pangolin was seized, along with other wildlife. The wildlife traffickers, a husband and wife team, were apprehended, jailed, and fined for trading Critically Endangered pangolins.

The live pangolins were immediately taken to the Wildlife Release Station (WRS) and were released the same night. The area around the release station is safe to release highly sought-after species, such as pangolins, not only because it is protected by the Wildlife Alliance Rangers but also by Community‐based Anti‐Poaching Units (CAPU). The CAPU members, who patrol to remove snares and deter hunters, know this area of forest better than anyone because it is where they grew up. By being released into this highly protected area, these three pangolins have been given the best possible second chance at a life in the wild.

Every rescue and release of Sunda pangolins is vital for the species’ survival because they are the most trafficked mammals in the world and are on the brink of extinction. To help up continue to rescue, release, and protect this Critically Endangered species, please make a donation today.