The Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project is putting into implementation its improved supporting plan for the Chorng indigenous communities with 3 different angles (1) recognition of indigenous communities (2) preservation of indigenous culture (3) recognition of indigenous land rights.

Wildlife Alliance is working to first officially register five more villages as Chorng Indigenous Communities. This allows them to pursue communal land titling, protecting their cultural heritage and land rights. This will bring the total registered villages to eight. After successful completion of the registration process of the Chorng Indigenous people in Areng Valley, effort will be moved to O’Som Chorng Communities.

Parallelly, the Chorng cultural preservation effort is also being implemented. Wildlife Alliance, with community leaders has identified the need to document the Chorng people’s cultural assets. The Project’s working group will collect information from elders across the villages for a unprecedent historical comprehensive documentation of this little know minority tribe.

In terms of land rights, Wildlife Alliance is currently supporting the private systematic land measurement and tilting process for the benefit of the people of Chrak Russey and Chomnoab villages, the majority of whom are Chorng indigenous people. As of February 2024, 521 parcels in Chrak Russy village were measured and inserted into the GIS map, as were 458 parcels in Chomnoab village. Wildlife Alliance will also conduct a survey to assess the feasibility of communal land titling, which some communities might favor. Previously, communities opted for private titles for financial benefits. Wildlife Alliance will work with authorities and the Chorng people to initiate communal land titling if that’s their choice.