The Kouprey Express Mobile Environmental Education Unit (KE) will now be able travel to every province in Cambodia, raising awareness about the value of preserving biodiversity and fostering sustainable behavioral changes. The Minister of Youth, Education and Sport in Cambodia recently approved KE’s Project Agreement to visit national schools in all 25 provinces.  This milestone speaks volumes to the success and growth of KE, which only visited public schools in one province when the project began in 2005. Since the program’s humble beginnings, KE has become the ‘go to’ authority on all things wildlife and environmental education related in Cambodia.

But KE’s growth does not stop there!  For the first time ever, the program will travel across international borders.  In January, KE, in partnership with Freeland Foundation, will travel to a Youth Camp in Khao Yai National Park that is focused on elephant protection. There, the team will give wildlife and elephant lessons in both Thai and Khmer.  This trip will be a first of its kind for KE – going international and bringing their elephant conservation message across borders.

Help KE continue grow and reach new people and communities with their environmental message by making a donation today. 

Wildlife Alliance invests in environmental education to protect nature for future generations.

Wildlife Alliance invests in environmental education to protect nature for future generations.

Wildlife Alliance invests in environmental education to protect nature for future generations.