Watermelons $10.00

Who doesn’t love fresh watermelon on a summers day!?! Our elephants certainly do! Today you have just made one of our elephants very happy indeed!

Feline Annual Vaccination


Feline Annual Vaccination

Our furry felines require annual vaccinations just like your kitty cat at home! When you buy this gift not only are you covering the cost of the…

Radio tracking equipment


Radio tracking equipment

When animals are released back into the wild we utilise radio tracking equipment to ensure their success and safety following their release. With…

Barrel Enrichment


Barrel Enrichment

Enriching the lives of the animals in our care is vital to their mental, and physical, health. Barrel’s are a hardy item that we can utilise …

Baby Bucket


Baby Bucket

Our nursery receives a lot of infant primates from the illegal wildlife trade in Cambodia. These fragile babies require around the …